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Metal Mania

Metal and Industrial music for like minded people

About Metal Mania

Streaming metal and industial music for like minded people. Its getting harder to find a REAL metal station so heres my try at it. If you enjoy the harder stuff give this a try and see if you can get into it.

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4 reviews for Metal Mania

Love this station!!!! When I wake up not ready to take on the day… I tune in and by time the first song is over I’m pumped and ready to take on the world!!! Thanks Metal Mania you ROCK!!!
2018-05-03 at 16:15
Best mix of metal yet!
2018-05-03 at 15:53
Great metal mix of music!!! 5 plus stars!!!
2018-05-01 at 15:32
Such a great metal station.Not alot of commericial BS like the others.LOVE IT! 5 plus stars!!!!! Keep the metal alive! \m/
2018-04-30 at 15:47

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