Times shaken: 20615036
About Radio Shaker
Listen to internet radio the fun way with Radio Shaker, the coolest online radio portal! Hit the shaker and discover the world's greatest free online radio stations. Got it? Then rate it. Create your account, save your favorites and listen on any device, anywhere.More about Radio Shaker

Radio shaker News
2024 update: We're cleaning up and trying to get trough the submission que. :) Stations that have no information or don't play music will be removed. Broadcasters, please make sure you update your station information.---
Listeners: If you find stations that do not play, please use the orange button that appears in the bottom, to report "no stream".
We've updated the site to secure SSL. Some streams may not be working in Chrome due to this change.
Is your favorite radio station not working yet? Let your broadcaster know and inform them about Radio Shaker.
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