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9 reviews for Uitsaaines

What an excellent idea!
2014-03-04 at 05:54
Hi Shakers, this station have a new high quality stream, please update with this information. Radio shaker reply: Hi Ray, thank you for your help, we've updated the stream.
2014-02-22 at 20:36
Sharm Durban Mountaineer
A station with heart. Keep on ROCKING...
2013-01-21 at 11:29
Like it 100's
2012-12-17 at 12:23
Edwin O.
Great station. Great music. Great programmes!
2012-12-08 at 16:20
Pleasant Music and programs. 24/7
2012-11-22 at 12:40
Rentia V.
Wie is die baas of base van die stasie? Who's the boss or bosses of the station?
2012-10-27 at 21:02
so ver glad nie sleg. not bad so far.
2012-10-17 at 21:29
I like what I hear and soon I believe it will be better with the four new DJs who have joined you...and they'll be playing my music so ofcourse it'll be better!!!! ;0)
2012-10-14 at 20:36

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