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Radio Sai Global Harmony AfriStream

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Radio Sai Global Harmony AfriStream

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3 reviews for Radio Sai Global Harmony AfriStream

Hi Here a brazilian thatmundeerstand a word of Indian Language but understand the feeling of the Indian Music, since the songs of Ravi Shankar to the drums of Tabla and Percussions Instruments as well Jagji Singh. Regards Decio Santos Sao Paulo Brazil
2017-05-14 at 17:01
perfect Radio station
2013-12-08 at 14:40
It's the best radio station with variant programs including indian music, Bhajans and loving talk about education and other humans need. It includes also Sathya Sai baba's Talk in english with his most valuable advices for all of us for everyday life. Thanks alot ..
2013-08-15 at 23:27

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