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Overvaal Stereo 96.1

About Overvaal Stereo 96.1

Gemeenskapsradiostasie wat uitsaai vir Afrikaanssprekendes. Ons musiek sluit 'n goeie mengsel van nuwe sowel as ouer Afrikaanse musiek in. Ons speel ook internasionale musiek uit die 60s, 70s en 80s.
Community Radio Station broadcasting for Afrikaans. We include a good mix of new music and than older African music. We also play international music from the 60s, 70s and 80s.

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2 reviews for Overvaal Stereo 96.1

My taal ,my waardes ,my geloof ,mooi musiek ,korrekte nuus
2018-07-23 at 07:08
one of the best radiostations from Suid Afrika.
2012-12-31 at 18:17

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