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Hot 108 X

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26 reviews for Hot 108 X

Its good.
2014-01-16 at 18:00
MR.SWAG/shawn s
love it
2013-05-29 at 14:13
aushawn s
i love this radio cuz u guys and girls out there are releaseing new song i love it hahahahah and u need more drake,lil jon, rick ross,snoop lion,bow wow,master p,T.I,lil jo jo
2013-03-11 at 18:11
Your radio station is best!! I love Kendrick Lamar: Poetic Juctice so if you can play this song like a million, billion, trilion, zillion times please, please, please!!!!!!
2013-02-28 at 14:04
aushawn s.
2013-02-07 at 17:32
keep doin wat ya doin let it do wat it do
2012-12-16 at 00:45
best ive found in my search for R&b hiphop & rap steaming
2012-12-16 at 00:42
2012-11-29 at 15:56
this is the best radio station in the entire world.
2012-11-26 at 15:38
aushawn s.
thank u
2012-11-19 at 17:32
This shit is the best but you should put juicy j in more!
2012-11-19 at 17:31
hopsin fan
need hopsin need more hopsin
2012-11-15 at 15:53
aushawn s.
stop playing the same song
2012-11-09 at 20:15
john h.
it is bad ass
2012-11-08 at 15:58
i love it
play better song
2012-11-05 at 19:54
aushawn s.
new songs!!
2012-11-02 at 14:36
aushawn s.
no more of chris brown
2012-10-30 at 14:57
aushawn s.
more rick ross
2012-10-30 at 14:53
ethan t.
it is good but u need more eminem
2012-10-30 at 14:53
aushawn s.
its good but u need more drake
2012-10-30 at 14:45
Love the range of music played, lovely flow from one track to the next. Keeps you wanting to listen. Great tracks that are played in an order for best effect.
2012-10-14 at 01:44
aushawn s.
i love ur station but u need new song on this station.
2012-10-11 at 16:05
aushawn s.
i love it
2012-10-11 at 16:03
2012-10-05 at 22:41
Something different....Like it!!
2012-10-05 at 22:16
LOVE IT!!!!! Makes my day go by a little faster.
2012-09-21 at 17:52

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