Heart 104.9 FM
About Heart 104.9 FM
Cape Town Soul
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Heart 104.9 FM Station Information
South Africa, Cape Town -
8 reviews for Heart 104.9 FM
Faghre S
I think there should be an application that can be downloaded instead of having to load on the internet.
Radio Shaker reply: We will have one in the future, please sign up for our newsletter for updates.
2013-10-08 at 13:24
2013-09-25 at 16:48
great for streaming
2013-07-07 at 20:07
Ms .Juanita Co
hello thank you for the great music you gay's are playing :)
2013-05-01 at 14:30
fantastic when clarenca ford is on from 12 to 3
2013-04-02 at 15:37
by the way I am a x cape town guy working away
2013-02-03 at 15:05
welcome natly nice to here your voice in the morning.
2012-12-10 at 06:06
clint J.
I am always listing to Heart 104.9 FM , all the way out here in Cuba , Offshore , and wanting to say Hello to my Wife Tina and Kids, Connor and Logan Johson ,Missing them so much I love listing to Heart you guys are the best , heart makes me feel at home being away from home 6 weeks at a time Thanks Heart
2012-11-19 at 16:56
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