CJYQ Radio Newfoundland 930 AM
About CJYQ Radio Newfoundland 930 AM
CJYQ Radio Newfoundland 930 AM
CJYQ Radio Newfoundland 930 AM Station Information
Canada, Saint John\\\\\\\'s NF -
4 reviews for CJYQ Radio Newfoundland 930 AM
Winston C, Louisiana, U.S.A.
No, I am not from Newfoundland but, I like your music, News I don't think anyone could find a better station. Keep up your good programming.
Marry Christmas ? Happy New Year !!!
2013-12-18 at 20:44
Love listening to music from home. The DJ's do an awesome job. Just love it.
2013-08-11 at 04:30
tommy m
being a cape bretoner with many ancestral roots in newfoundland, this music which i enjoy is part of my heritage. this is the first time i have tuned into you station, but can guarantee you it will not be my last visit. i feel as though i have discovered a new treasure, thank you, tm
2013-04-29 at 18:05
Very nice station , so nice to hear the atlantic coast
2012-12-19 at 17:07
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