All Brass Band Radio
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All Brass Band Radio Station Information
US - Indiana, Unknown city -
3 reviews for All Brass Band Radio
Wunderbar diese tolle Musik ohne störende Werbung oder Moderation zu genießen. Und das rund um die Uhr.
Wonderful this great music without any annoying ads or moderation to enjoy. And around the Clock.
2013-01-11 at 15:43
the station is good rating six thanks
2012-12-29 at 16:34
This is a fantastic station, mostly what it says on the tin but as a brass band enthusiast from the UK I really cannot abide the music and soundscape presented by the drum and bugle corps which originate from the USA. Loud, louder and mostly out of tune but clearly there are some fine players in the group, it is just a shame that they are not taught the more refined performance skills. Having said that it is good to see this station including the performaces of the up and coming bands from the USA and mainland Europe who are beginning to compete on equal terms with the best in the world from the UK
2012-12-18 at 17:58
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