Voice of America - Afaan Oromoo
About Voice of America - Afaan Oromoo
Voice of America - Afaan Oromoo

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Voice of America - Afaan Oromoo Station Information
US - Washington, D.C., Washington DC -
22 reviews for Voice of America - Afaan Oromoo
adem a
keep it up forward we enjoy with it
2013-05-06 at 22:31
very good
2013-04-29 at 20:30
adam a
its fantastic keep it up quality
2013-04-24 at 21:45
adem a from south africa
bayee nama booharsa nama gammachisa.
over all its fantastic station.
2013-04-22 at 22:48
obsa y
clean,good andatractive redio.
2013-04-12 at 20:41
pls your radio transmission interrupted find the solution we cant listen it
2013-03-05 at 07:41
qophii teessan mirqanssittuu fi gammachiiftu waan taateef itti fufa jenna. fayya ta,a
2013-01-16 at 23:04
Today it is almost good other than the other days.
2013-01-06 at 21:45
I need help. because. The shaker is not playing for me. what shall I do?
2012-12-25 at 09:10
starting from the last three days the radio shaker is not working well
2012-12-04 at 07:52
waw its very interesting station
2012-11-06 at 10:08
john paul
isinumatti hafne jabaadhaa; mukillee baala qaba ntuti isin malaee maalqabana
2012-11-03 at 19:00
good radio station
2012-10-29 at 13:49
Abdulmalik taha h.
akkam oltan warra voa sagantaan keessan bay,ee gaari dha garuu mootumman sagantaan keessan akka biyyatti hin dhagahamne radio jam godha long leave 4 voas
2012-10-22 at 18:42
Heloo voa ani isiiniif mamilaa haraadhaa sagantan keessaan bayyee ba'eessaa jabadhaa bagaa ayyaanaa maasqaalatiin isiin ga'ee.
2012-09-25 at 20:32
afaan akka gandaa haasawuu dhiiftanii
akka oromooni cufti hubatanitti
dubbacutu isin hafa.
2012-09-18 at 19:14
Bikila Sosa
Kanaan dura yeroo baayee isinii ergeera. galatoomaa fuchootaa!
2012-09-14 at 10:20
Voa afan origin.
2012-09-13 at 20:28
I can say it is really voice, but not only of America also it is for individuals...
2012-09-10 at 16:26
sagantaan keessan baaayee namatti tola. qophiin keessaniifi oduu keessanillee loogii malee waan dhiyeessitaniif baayee gaariidha. gara fuula duraattis akkasumaan itti fufaan jedha.
2012-08-31 at 12:47
sena Raga
VOA-afan oromo service is the only radio station which talk the reality of the situation in Ethiopia and it is preferred by large section of ETHIOPIAN society.
2012-08-28 at 15:33
It's really very good radio statition.
2012-08-28 at 14:44
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