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Radio SKAY

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About Radio SKAY

Stalni motivi naseg programa su uzbudjenje, zabava i avantura, i upravo tako vidimo svoju misiju. Ne plasimo se izazova. Ne marimo kada nas potcenjuju. Nismo najveci i najjaci, ali ponekad je to prednost.Vodjeni zeljom, ambicijom, potrebom, upusteni smo u avanturu zvanu RADIO. Ne plasimo se izazova, spremni smo na rizik i nasa misija jos uvek traje. Zli komentari "VELIKIH" i "JACIH" nas ne obreshrabruju iako im je cilj jasan - da nas obezvrede. Postovani slusaoci, vi ste nas vetar u ledjima. To ste i danas. Hvala vam na podrsci i poverenju.

Standing motives of our programs are excitement, fun and adventure, and just so we can see our mission. Do not be afraid of the challenge. We do not care if we underestimate. We are not the biggest and strongest, but sometimes it's prednost.Vodjeni desire, ambition, need, we are countersunk into adventure called RADIO. Do not be afraid of the challenges, we are ready to take risks, and our mission is still ongoing. The evil comments "big" and "strong" us obreshrabruju although their goal is clear - to us depreciated. Dear listeners, you have the wind at our backs. That you are today. Thank you for your support and confidence.

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1 reviews for Radio SKAY

The best radio station of Serbia
2014-04-21 at 22:52

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