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BoomerRadio - Cruisin' Oldies

About BoomerRadio - Cruisin' Oldies

BoomerRadio - Cruisin' Oldies

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129 votes
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10 reviews for BoomerRadio - Cruisin' Oldies

Thanks for this lovely evergreen radio station. I do enjoy listening to it.
2014-01-25 at 21:18
When I'm sad, I listen to Cruisin Oldies ... And the hapiness come back !
2013-12-28 at 17:56
Great Station,wish I could figure how to get in on my tablet
2013-12-22 at 22:35
great oldies,i love it, got you in my favorites,''thank's''
2013-07-21 at 18:50
Jim M
Love the Oldies and Boomer does a great job of keeping me satisfied.
2013-07-21 at 17:34
Only two words to describe this station "it's great"
2013-03-24 at 07:09
lovely radio...enjoy it all day long
2013-02-06 at 15:13
I love the oldies, a nice easy listening station.
2012-10-05 at 21:14
Frank W.
Finally I found a station that plays oldies that I grew up with. Other oldie station plays 'b'side songs...they are old but not songs I’m familiar with. Occasionally you guys also play songs unfamiliar to me but for the most part top hits. Love your station!
2012-09-29 at 19:14
2012-09-02 at 14:22

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