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Amor 105.9

La Más Romántica

About Amor 105.9

Amor 105.9 is the most popular Spanish radio station and format on the Web. Amor 105.9 features Spanish Pop/Adult Contemporary music varying from the 80s and 90s as well as today's favorites. Broadcasting from the San Francisco Bay Area via Oakland. You’ll hear many artists such as Alejandro Fernandez, Alejandro Sanz, Antonio Orozco, David Bisbal, Malu, Manuel Carrasco, Melendi, Juanes, Luis Miguel, Pablo Alboran, Ricky Martin, Vanesa Martin and more. Artists varying from Spain, Latin America including other parts of Europe. Not only does the station play all the latest hits, it also airs special music shows like Amor Variedad on Sunday nights at 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. pacific.

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