1.fm 50s 60s
About 1.fm 50s 60s
Your Blast From The Past.
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1.fm 50s 60s Station Information
US - California, Unknown city -
4 reviews for 1.fm 50s 60s
james san antonio texas
too much soft rock - without songs like wild thing - get off of my cloud - you are only half as good as other classic stations in your field.
2013-07-08 at 06:43
Just love it. These are the songs I grew up with in grade and high school.
2013-02-17 at 18:55
hey you. This radio station is balm for the soul and happiness. Awesome radio that gives me good memories. Hope you continue with a lot of great music. Best regards BEO. Risør Norway
2012-11-20 at 10:44
I enjoy this station daily from 7am to 5pm 5days a week. The arrangement stems from my youth and is easy to be a companion with. Thank you...
2012-08-28 at 17:59
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